Charging your all new Samsung Galaxy Note 7 which probably cost half the price of your kidney depending on which part of the world your from and BOOM!! it explodes, bursting your bubble of comfort and self feeling.
dont take me wrong, the phone was top notch, first in its class. the innovation and abilities were entirely ahead of its time. just after the Galaxy S6 edge + came and made us rethink what a phone can do....literally. the Note 7 came at the perfect moment. giving the iPhone a run for its money.
with over 2 billion dollars in losses and counting and a stream of lawsuits on its trail, the weather is not looking so sunny as the 2nd largest telecommunications company and to dump their moods further Apple came along and launched the iPhone 7. with the phone packing features light years away from all the other smartphones in the market, Samsung can only wish that the Murphy's Law is but a passing cloud.
so far, the Apple crew is yet to face a similar bad luck ripple effect of which i highly doubt considering the amount of time and effort the American company puts into its devices. lets face it, it takes like 2 years to make an iPhone and about 3 to 6 months to make a Samsung phone, talking on grounds of release dates.
Seeing Beyond Obvious
talking about anything and everything..expanding minds...knowledge plus!!!
Monday, 19 September 2016
Its quite amusing how the Kenyan Politics has evolved over the years. one would definitely agree with me that history always repeats its self. moving from a one party state, to a democratic studded state, then back to an almost 2 party state. its a merry go round and for those who cant change with the system have no choice but to bow down and pave way for those who can afford to bear the heat.
if you arrived in my country today the first thing you would probably reckon is our love for animals...wait for it....HORSE RACING. yes. at every corner you will hear this election is a two horse race or something like that must be a donkey, there is no support for that party. as this is as hilarious as it is true.
we have reached a point where you either pick your battle side carefully or fall out of favor in the eyes of the public. so as the clock winds down to the General Elections next year, so does the race become tighter and more difficult. Best of luck to the Bravest of hearts.
Its quite amusing how the Kenyan Politics has evolved over the years. one would definitely agree with me that history always repeats its self. moving from a one party state, to a democratic studded state, then back to an almost 2 party state. its a merry go round and for those who cant change with the system have no choice but to bow down and pave way for those who can afford to bear the heat.
if you arrived in my country today the first thing you would probably reckon is our love for animals...wait for it....HORSE RACING. yes. at every corner you will hear this election is a two horse race or something like that must be a donkey, there is no support for that party. as this is as hilarious as it is true.
we have reached a point where you either pick your battle side carefully or fall out of favor in the eyes of the public. so as the clock winds down to the General Elections next year, so does the race become tighter and more difficult. Best of luck to the Bravest of hearts.
Friday, 16 September 2016
this is probably the most unconscious thing that all vertebrates do. yawning is an occurrence that has baffled many scientific minds for ages and the end is not in sight. for what is most tangible fact, yawning is brought about by nervous stimulation that causes the jaw muscles to relax opening the mouth wide, stretching out of the eardrums and closing of the eyes.
there are several causes of yawning; boredom, hunger, sleepiness, fatigue. and funny enough, yawning can also be induced by watching someone else yawn as well. take keen interest when someone next to you yawns, you would most likely follow suit. its practically infectious, just like happiness, sadness, smiles and laughter.
in medical sense, yawning does not in any way contribute to your health. its a factor yet to be clearly panned out, but till then, everyone just yawn away...

i would have believed anything thrown at me to be true. Santa Clause is Indian, Obama cant make pancakes or Christmas is in July. Never would have I ever believed that Glass balls bounce higher than Rubber Balls. How??!! that was the first question i asked when i also got wind of this fascinating piece of information.
its complicated yes, but let me break it down to you as simple as i can. when rubber balls fall to a surface, the energy they possess causes it to deform. the deformation happens because of the elastic nature of the material. the force and energy gained while the ball is dropping is mostly lost when the ball deforms as the pressure acts on it. as the ball regains shape and elastic force acts much of the energy is lost and hence the ball cant bounce that high as compared to a glass ball that little to no elasticity at all. when the glass ball touches the surface after it falls the material is more compact and less elastic hence the energy gained by the ball is retained and hence the glass ball has sufficient energy within to bounce back, in this case, higher than the rubber ball.
a vague argument i could also level comes from Newton 3rd Law of Motion that states for every action,there is an equal and opposite reaction. coming back to our glass ball. the force that the glass ball gains as it falls kinetic energy helps the glass ball bounce back higher as the reaction in this case comes into effect after the glass ball touches the surface.
this is my vague view on the glass ball. i stand to be corrected or seconded. feel free to share your comments below.

i would have believed anything thrown at me to be true. Santa Clause is Indian, Obama cant make pancakes or Christmas is in July. Never would have I ever believed that Glass balls bounce higher than Rubber Balls. How??!! that was the first question i asked when i also got wind of this fascinating piece of information.
its complicated yes, but let me break it down to you as simple as i can. when rubber balls fall to a surface, the energy they possess causes it to deform. the deformation happens because of the elastic nature of the material. the force and energy gained while the ball is dropping is mostly lost when the ball deforms as the pressure acts on it. as the ball regains shape and elastic force acts much of the energy is lost and hence the ball cant bounce that high as compared to a glass ball that little to no elasticity at all. when the glass ball touches the surface after it falls the material is more compact and less elastic hence the energy gained by the ball is retained and hence the glass ball has sufficient energy within to bounce back, in this case, higher than the rubber ball.
a vague argument i could also level comes from Newton 3rd Law of Motion that states for every action,there is an equal and opposite reaction. coming back to our glass ball. the force that the glass ball gains as it falls kinetic energy helps the glass ball bounce back higher as the reaction in this case comes into effect after the glass ball touches the surface.
this is my vague view on the glass ball. i stand to be corrected or seconded. feel free to share your comments below.
Friday, 12 December 2014
its within the nature of women to look attractive, not a woman alive would careless at how she looks to any extent. created as the rather fairer of the human species, our women would go to unimaginable feats to achieve that drop dead diva stature and that head turning beauty, but when looked from a different angle, as much as all the make up and artificial alteration make them look absolutely stunning, a fair maiden can be noticed even without all the superficial stuff. the holy books claimed that the first woman was created and she was seen as beautiful. yet she had no make up nor mirror mirror on the wall to ask who is fairer of them all. in my perspective, simplicity is more value deserving than the superficial woman. if you are deserving of ones affection and attention surely you will get it no matter the odds. as it will be said in the days to come by our youth, ''lets keep it real ladies''
Thursday, 11 December 2014
love has a a varied and valid forms of definitions. in this case i was most interested in the love for food and that how pure and incorruptible the form is. its only in the love for food that a human being who is honestly hungry would desire a plate of that dish that just makes the mouth water and the stomach rumble. food is seen as a source of satisfaction as well as happiness. it takes just a thought to cook food but takes your whole heart to make good food. so food is a factor not to be taken lightly as it also brings out the culture of the people. the power of food can never be under estimated.
love has a a varied and valid forms of definitions. in this case i was most interested in the love for food and that how pure and incorruptible the form is. its only in the love for food that a human being who is honestly hungry would desire a plate of that dish that just makes the mouth water and the stomach rumble. food is seen as a source of satisfaction as well as happiness. it takes just a thought to cook food but takes your whole heart to make good food. so food is a factor not to be taken lightly as it also brings out the culture of the people. the power of food can never be under estimated.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
In our days it would have been a cardinal sin for a parent to side line their children and care less about the behaviour or characters that they behold. Most parents think that the children will possibly grow out of the bad habits and there fore do not take zealous interest in absurd and unorthodox behaviour that is seen in the growing spawn. This misconception has proven to be costly and obviously erroneous. When a child engaging in activities that are well beyond the realm of child play its the responsibility of the parent or guardian to take action and nub the habit in the bad. failure to do so has led to the rampant insolent characters that haunt us to the very end. in the picture above is young Nabil* the child is obviously engrossed in child play and if found by the parent in the rather compromising situation, one would find it hilarious but its this simple and accidental experimentations that mould the child into a full blown outlaw. its all falls back to the parent to be a pillar of guidance and authority to the child to make morally upright and focused adults out of the children
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